Some Search Tips for Using CIT's Online Journal Databases

Check the search rules for each database, use the help guides provided – some of the online databases provide tutorials – have a look at these before you begin. Different search engines have slightly different user interfaces and also some use different truncations etc. But tutorials and help guides will explain these.

Prepare searches in advance in writing, list the terms you are using and go through them methodically.

Keep a written note of searches done and search terms used, and dates. Keep a record of these searches for subsequent reuse/updates.

Register and Sign In to the databases that offer this service. You can do this for free. Then your searches will automatically be remembered in the system. Also you can set "Search Alerts" whereby the database will do your search for you every so often and email you the results. Or tell you when an important journal for you has just published a new issue. Or let you know when there is a new article on your topic of interest This is a very useful service for long term research.

Allow for different spellings, synonyms, acronyms etc. – American spellings of some terms can be quite different. Don't assume the 'common' term you are using is the same everywhere

Save, save, save everything.

Backup what you have in more than one source regularly.

Where would be a good place to back up your research work?

  1. Your iPOD
  2. A Memory Stick
  3. An online server
  4. Another computer

Click to reveal answer.

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