Exam Regulations

Interpretation of Core Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures specific to Munster Technological University that previously applied at Cork Institute of Technology


Important Information

Registrar's Office - MTU Cork

This webpage contains the current core academic regulations, policies and procedures specific to Munster Technological University (‘MTU’) that previously applied at Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) immediately before the establishment of MTU under the Technological Universities Act 2018 (hereafter ‘MTU (Cork) Regulations’).


The MTU (Cork) Regulations apply to the modules and programmes to which they applied immediately before the establishment of MTU, and any students of those modules and programmes are subject to the MTU (Cork) Regulations in respect of the matters covered by those regulations.


This decision has been ratified by MTU Governing Body and the regulations shall remain in place until such time as they are altered by way of amendment or replacement by MTU.


Oversight of MTU (Cork) Regulations and their implementation is provided by the Cork Academic Legacy Committee, a committee of MTU Academic Council. The Cork Academic Legacy Committee is accountable to MTU Academic Council for the responsibilities assigned to it.


Where reference is made in the MTU (Cork) Regulations to Cork Institute of Technology, this should be read as referring to MTU, unless explicitly stated otherwise.


Where reference is made in the MTU (Cork) Regulations to Academic Council, it should be read as referring to the Cork Academic Legacy Committee, unless explicitly stated otherwise.


Where reference is made in the MTU (Cork) Regulations to a particular Office or Post this should be read as referring to the Office or Post that previously applied at Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) immediately before the establishment of MTU on January 1st, 2021.


In the event that there is any doubt, uncertainty, or apparent conflict as to whether a particular regulation, policy or procedure applies in any given case, MTU has determined that any such questions will be resolved by consensus between the two Vice Presidents responsible for academic affairs. Failing such consensus, the President of MTU shall determine the position. 

MTU is committed to the highest quality standards, to continuous quality improvement and enhancement and to the creation of a quality culture. The development of an integrated Academic Quality Assurance Framework for the University is being progressed as a matter of high priority.





It is important that each student would be aware of all the examination procedures and regulations for courses and to fully understand the overall examination process.

Two documents are of particular importance in this regard and it is advisable that you get to know these and, if necessary, have them clarified or explained to you by your lecturers.

General examinations regulations are contained in a document titled ‘Regulations for Modules and Programmes (Marks and Standards)’. For each course, there are further documents titled Semester Schedules. These provide specific information in regard to the examinations for a particular course, together with any special regulations which apply to that course.

A copy of Regulations for Modules and Programmes (Marks and Standards) is available for consultation in the library and your department can supply you with a copy of the semester schedules.

Courses are modularised and semesterised and this has a bearing on the examination processes. The examination system in the Institute is distinctly different from the systems that operate at other levels of education. For many modules, a significant proportion of the marks are allocated to work or assessments that are carried out during the semester. As a result, the final examination does not carry the weight that it would in, for instance, the Leaving Certificate.

For certain modules, there are no terminal examinations and all the marks are allocated for work done during the semester. Some key points in relation to the examination process are given below. However, they are not intended to be comprehensive and for further information you should consult Regulations for Modules and Programmes (Marks & Standards), Semester Schedules, individual course handbooks and lecturers.

Dates for Examinations

  • Terminal examinations for first semester modules are scheduled to take place immediately before and immediately after the Christmas break. Terminal examinations for the second semester modules are scheduled to take place in May/June. In certain cases students may be required to attend for examinations up to 20th June.
  • Timetables for the main semester examinations, together with other examination information is usually issued by the Examination Section during the semester. Dates for other examinations such as assessments and orals are provided by the relevant departments.

Examination Regulations

Examination Regulations are contained in the Student Regulations and in Regulations for Modules and Programmes (Marks & Standards).

Infringement of Examination Regulations

Infringement of examination regulations is viewed very seriously by the Institute. Penalties may include disqualification, with loss not only of the examination at which the infringement occurred, but also all other examinations sat in the same session. In addition re-entry to examinations may be barred for a period of one year. Further penalties may include prevention from sitting repeat examinations, restriction of the final classification of an award or termination of studies. 

Examination Appeals

An appeal system operates for students who wish to have results of their examinations rechecked or reviewed. Students are strongly advised to discuss their results with their department prior to lodging their appeals. Contact the Registrar’s Office for further details. Information on the examination appeals procedure can be obtained at Exams Appeals Page.