Student Assistance Fund
As part of an initiative to tackles educational disadvantage, an ESF aided Student Assistance Fund has been made available to MTU by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.
The Student Assistance Fund provides financial support to eligible full or part-time students of MTU Cork Campus who are experiencing financial difficulties. Students can apply for the Student Assistance Fund to help with either temporary or ongoing financial difficulties.
The Student Assistance Fund is administered on a strictly confidential basis and each application will be considered on the basis of the application form and the supporting documentation provided.
General information regarding the SAF
Applicants must be students registered in MTU Cork Campus, participating on a third level course of not less than one-year duration leading to an under-graduate or post-graduate qualification (level 6-10)
- Resources will be targeted at students most in need.
- Only students who are registered (fees paid or have a payment arrangement in place with the MTU Cork Campus Fees Office) can apply for assistance from the Student Assistance Fund.
- Student Contribution Fees or Tuition Fees are not supported via the SAF.
- Applicants on the Back to Education Allowance, one parent families, students with experience of care and students with disabilities will also be considered.
This fund is NOT APPLICABLE for the following students:
- International/non-EU fee paying students
- Sanctuary Scholarship recipients
- SOLAS students (previously known as Fás students)
- Students on Erasmus Programmes
- Postgraduate paid research students
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTation is required for each application
Applications received without supporting financial documentation will not be assessed.
Student Documentation
- 3 months up to date bank statement
- If working, your last 3 payslips or Employment Detail Summary (formerly a P60) or Statement of Liability (formerly a P21)
- If renting, a copy of lease/rent book/proof of rent payments.
- If receiving a student grant, letter from SUSI stating amount awarded.
- If receiving Social Welfare, letter from Department of Social Protection stating amount awarded (rent allowance, lone parent’s, carers/disability allowance, child maintenance).
- If you have children, copy of their birth certs.
- If you have children, evidence of childcare costs.
- Copy of any loan agreements.
- Receipts (rent, travel, class materials, childcare, medical expenses).
Parents Documentation (if you ticked you are dependent)
- 3 months up to date bank statement
- If working, your last 3 payslips or Employment Detail Summary (formerly a P60) or Statement of Liability (formerly a P21)
- If receiving Social Welfare, letter from Department of Social Protection stating amount awarded (rent allowance, lone parent’s, carers/disability allowance, child maintenance).
- If self-employed, a notice of assessment is required.
IMPORTANT: If you are a HEAR student or in receipt of SUSI, there is no requirement to submit parental supporting documentation.
Partner/Spouse Documentation
- 3 months up to date bank statement
- If working, your last 3 payslips or Employment Detail Summary (formerly a P60) or Statement of Liability (formerly a P21)
- If receiving Social Welfare, letter from Department of Social Protection stating amount awarded (rent allowance, lone parent’s, carers/disability allowance, child maintenance.
- If self-employed, a notice of assessment is required.
IMPORTANT: If you in receipt of SUSI, there is no requirement to submit partner/spouse supporting documentation.
It must be clearly understood that this fund is limited and subject to availability and eligibility. The Student Assistance Fund is governed by National and EU regulations.
An applicant whose application has been deemed unsuccessful may appeal by email to the SAF committee ( within three weeks of notification. Documentation to support the appeal must also be submitted.
Please be aware that if there are frequent transactions on your bank statement which are affiliated to gambling websites, or evidence of cryptocurrency transactions, this may impact negatively on your Student Assistance Fund application.
If you are concerned about gambling, please refer to Problem Gambling for further information or contact the MTU Cork Campus Student Counselling Service for support on
The University requires to process and retain personal data relating to you as an applicant for the SAF. The University will in compliance with the GDPR respect the confidentiality of your data and implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to prevent unauthorised disclosure.
See below link to full GDPR Student Data Privacy Notice
Gambling addiction is a common issue in Ireland. If you or someone in your life is affected by and seeking help for a gambling addiction, there are places you can turn to for support.
If you are concerned about gambling, please contact the MTU Cork Campus Student Counselling Service for support, or visit the websites below.
Alternatively, you can also contact the Student Assistance Fund Team who will be able to advise further-