More than 27,000 students are having their say, are you one of them?
09 February, 2016
The Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) runs in CIT from February 15th 2016 – 4th march 2016, to participate in this national survey students must log onto
The survey only takes 10 minutes and is your chance to have your say. The more students that complete the survey in CIT, the more CIT will be able to respond and act on what you say.
ISSE is designed to ask students directly about their full experience of higher education. Student feedback provides institutions with valuable information to identitfy effective practice and provision and the prompt awareness of, and action on, any particular issues or challenges that affect students.
The survey is open to all first year undergraduate, final year undergraduate and taught postgraduate students in 30 higher education institutions includeing all Universities, all Institutes of Technology and all Colleges of Further Education.
This is the third year the survey is running and participation has steadily increased each year.
President of the Union of Students Ireland (USI), Kevin Donoghue, said “Each year more and more students complete the survey. ISSE is quickly becoming the accepted authority on student opinions of their academic and college experiences. It i crucial that Students’ Unions and institutions’ staff use this data to its full effect.
Participating institutions are committed to providing effective feedback on survey results and to taking appropriate action.
Some results from 2015:
- 63% of participating students selected often or very often, when asked if they were improving knowledge and skills that will contribute to their employability
- 52% of all participating student selected quite a bit or very much when asked if they were solving complex real world problems
- 77% of all participating students selected quite a bit or very much when asked how much their experience had helped them to think critically and analytically
- 79% of all participating students selected good or excellent, when asked how they would evalute their entire educational experience at their institution.
- 76% of all participating students selected quite a bit or very much, when asked if they spend a significant amoung of time studying and on academic work