Getting off to Good Start after the really really long winter break

26 January, 2017

College work… what’s that?

Throughout the holidays you probably spent hours watching Netflix in your pjs, slept in, worked a bunch of shifts in your part time job, spent time with your friends from home, caught up with your family or stuffed your face with as much chocolate as you could manage. Maybe you did all of those things, maybe you did some of those things.

It’s likely though that you didn’t do a tap of college work (unless you had something due). Sound about right?

The thought of studying and doing college work might sound alien to you after the holidays but if you put doing your assignments on the long finger you’ll end up super stressed out as the deadlines get closer.

It takes 21 days to make a habit. That means that if you spend the next three weeks getting into a good study/college work routine (before the assignments pile up) will make the rest of the semester easier. Getting stuck it will pay off in the long run.

‘But I’ve loads of time to get into a habit’ I hear you say. No. You don’t.

Remember when you started college and exam time seemed sooooo far away?

Remember the last few weeks of the semester and how much work you had to get finished?

Remember how it seemed like time flew away from you?

This semester is going to fly too. There are only 12 weeks of classes. Then exams, and then the summer holidays. A time for being outside, going on adventures and soaking up the Irish sun (when it shows up). Also a time for repeat exams … but if you pass your modules you won’t have any repeats from this semester.

The easiest way to pass your modules is to go to class, get stuck in, try your best and ask for help if you need it.

You can do this!