Assessment Appeals & Review of Module Marks

MTU Cork Campuses: Assessment Appeals and Review of Module Mark:    
Semester 1– 2024/2025


Opening date for appeal applications: 10am January 30th

Closing date for appeal applications:  4pm February 6th.

If you have any queries, please contact


Assessment Appeals

The assessment appeal process exists to allow a student to seek mitigation in respect of certain circumstances which the student perceives has had a negative impact on their academic performance.

The Policy Governing Assessment Appeals and Correction of Errors and Omissions in Respect of Assessment outlines the circumstances under which a student may submit an assessment appeal and the procedures to be followed. Students are strongly advised to read this policy before commencing the process.


The two grounds on which you can appeal are:


1.Procedural or Administrative Error


 - Where there is evidence that a procedural or an administrative error has occurred, that may in turn have had a negative impact on the academic performance of a student.

If a procedural or administrative error on the part of MTU is known prior to the relevant examination board, then the Board should be informed of the error(s) so that it can be addressed where practicable. Where such an error on the part of MTU has been addressed by the relevant examination board, it will not be allowed as grounds for an appeal. The student has a responsibility to inform the University of any known procedural or administrative errors at the earliest opportunity and failure to do so may result in an appeal under these grounds being disallowed.


‘The assessment appeals deadline has now passed.’



2.Extenuating Circumstances


- Circumstances which were not known to the University at the time of the assessment, or which were submitted sub rosa.

Important Note: Early Disclosure of Extenuating Circumstances 

Where an assessment appeal is based on extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness), the appellant should note that, in general, extenuating circumstances must be submitted in a timely manner such that they can form part of the deliberations of the appropriate Module Examination Board meeting or Progression and Awards Board meeting. Accordingly, evidence relating to extenuating circumstances will not normally be admitted as grounds for appeal, except where it was not possible to submit this evidence for consideration at the relevant Board meeting. [See Section 10.2 of the Appeals Policy]. The University reserves the right to seek independent medical opinion.


‘The assessment appeals deadline has now passed.’



Details of these two categories are in the Policy Governing Assessment Appeals and Correction of Errors and Omissions in Respect of Assessment which may be downloaded above.

  • FEE: €80 per module

Please note that dissatisfaction or disappointment with the result of an assessment is not grounds for an assessment appeal.


  • The appropriate form must be completed in full and attached as an email from your email address (as appropriate).

Procedure for Making an Assessment Appeal will be available for a period of 5 days after assessment results are made available to students

  • The deadline for submission of Assessment Appeals has yet to be confirmed. 
  • Completed appeal forms should be sent to the Registrar’s Office (
  • A fee of €80 applies to each assessment appeal. Click on the button below to pay. In the event of a successful Appeal, the fee shall be refunded in full.
  • Late applications and appeals made on behalf of a student by a third party will not be accepted.                                                




Note: While a student cannot appeal based on a perceived error in the evaluation of assessment material/performance, they may instead request a Review of Module Mark. Please see the next section for further information.


Review of Module Mark
If you believe that there was an error or omission which resulted in an incorrect mark for your module(s) you may request a Review of Module Mark .

Before a module mark can be reviewed,the student must make a request to view the examination script in the Exams Centre, Melbourn Building.

‘The Review of Module Mark application deadline has now passed.’




The Review of Module Mark  process is summarised below and the detailed process is described in the Policy Governing Assessment Appeals and Correction of Errors and Omissions in Respect of Assessment


  • The deadline for request to view assessment material is 4pm February 6th. 
  • Late applications will not be accepted.


Having reviewed the assessment material, if you believe an error has occurred, you may submit a request for review of module mark. You will be required to give details of the perceived error. A request for Review of Module Mark must be submitted to within 5 working days of the date on which you viewed your assessment material. The form for Review of Module Mark will be available from the Examinations Office following the viewing of assessment material.

You should only submit a request for Review of Module Mark if you believe that an error has occurred. 


There are two types of review, and these are explained in the next section.


Types of Review 

Review of Calculation and Recording of Module Mark

  • If you believe that an error has been made in the calculation or recording of your module mark, then you may request a review of calculation and recording of module mark.
  • In this type of review, the assessment material is checked in order to establish if the module mark was calculated and recorded correctly. The assessment material is not re-marked.
  • There is no fee for this type of review.


Review of Evaluation of Assessment Performance or Material 

  • If you believe that an error has been made in the evaluation of your assessment performance or material, then you may request a review of evaluation of assessment performance or material.
  • This type of review involves a recheck of the assessment material by a review examiner to see if the error (as claimed by the student) has occurred.
  • Before requesting this type of review, you must identify the specific error that you believe to have occurred. 
  • There is a fee of €80 for this type of review. Please see payment link above.
  • In the event of a successful review, the fee charged shall be refunded in full.


Important Note: Result of Assessment Appeal or Review of Module Mark
An assessment appeal or review of module mark may result in marks being increased, marks being decreased or marks remaining unchanged. In the event of marks being changed, there may be a consequential change in the overall result.