Virtual Presentations & On-Campus Info Stands
This range of options is for the direct promotion of graduate programmes and opportunities to students by companies.
- Option 1: Information Stands
- Option 2: Virtual Webinar/Presentation/External Events
Our on campus Information Stands and Virtual Company Presentations/External Events are excellent ways to promote your Graduate or Internship Programmes, increase your company profile and meet MTU students.
This is a free service to employers in support of MTU students and graduates.
Multiple promotion channels will be used to promote Options 1 & 2 above, including communicating directly to relevant class groups, advertising through various social media accounts and on our CAREERSconnect platform.
Note: Sometimes employers ask to present to class groups, whilst there is no guarantee of this and availability is quite limited please email to put you in contact with relevant course coordinator to further discuss.
OPtion 1: Information Stands
Host an employer stand in the main corridor, block - D, Bishopstown to meet students!
The Careers Service will provide an information stand on campus to facilitate meeting students in an informal and relaxed way, and increase the company’s profile.
- Details will be arranged in advance with Maria Nugent/Careers Office, regarding parking, marketing materials, target audience etc.
These are available on a first come first served basis.
How to book the above options
Booking slots are available in Semesters' 1 and 2 each year.
- Semester One: Late September – Late November/Early December
- Semester Two: Early February – Early April
- Information Stands: 2 slots available per week on Tuesdays & Thursdays (availability between 10am-2.30pm). There will be an email sent out to all registered Employers on CAREERSconnect prior to each semseter beginning outlining options & booking details. Or alternatively please email in order to find out availability and tbooking details. These are available on a first come first served basis.
Other dates may be possible depending upon availability on campus.
Option 2: Virtual Webinar/Presentation/External Events
- The company representative will provide the session link e.g. Zoom, MS Teams, advertising material/promo blurb, logo, posters etc…minimum 2 weeks prior.
- Just share the details and advertising with us as we will be happy to promote to relevant student groups and on our CAREERSconnect system too!
If you have further queries please contact or