Academic Honesty and Integrity
Interpretation of Core Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures specific to Munster Technological University that previously applied at Cork Institute of Technology
Academic honesty must be fostered and protected in order to protect the integrity of the academic qualifications awarded by MTU.
While MTU appreciates that the move to online assessment has been challenging, the expectations regarding academic integrity remain unchanged. Students are expected to continue to do their utmost to ensure the integrity of their own work, particularly in the online assessment environment.
The attached links outline the Policy and Procedures put in place by the University to govern Academic Honesty, Plagiarism and Infringements in relation to Examinations and Assessments. A supplementary policy and procedure have been approved for this period. Please read these documents carefully.
It is the entire responsibility of the student to ensure that they are aware of the Policy and Procedures and that they fully observe them. Therefore, please read these documents carefully.
You are reminded that it is the expressed policy of MTU Cork that there is no acceptable level of plagiarism, collusion or other infringements and that appropriate action should be taken in relation to each and every instance detected.
support for students in relation to academic integrity
- Our Library Support Services have developed an information hub at This is the Student Guide to Plagiarism.
- The Academic Learning Centre provides information and support to students on academic writing and assessment strategies: see here for further information and to book a session.
- Academic writing and referencing are covered in the Creativity, Innovation & Teamwork module which is a mandatory module in Stage 1 Semester 1 of all undergraduate programmes.
- The plagiarism detection software Ouriginal is integrated into Canvas. Learn more about this software and how to use it this link
- Students are asked to sign a standard declaration of academic integrity when submitting assignments and completing online assessments. This means that you are required to confirm that you understand that detected breaches of academic honesty will be reviewed under the university’s policy and procedures, and may incur penalties.
- The portfolio of structured modules for postgraduate research programmes includes a Research Integrity module.
- Orientation sessions for incoming international students include information on academic honesty and integrity, and particularly on the requirements in Ireland. The MTU Cork International Office can be contacted at
- Depending on your own situation, you may find it useful to seek the advice of one of our academic success coaches, particularly if you are worried about assessment deadlines and how to manage these.
- MTU Cork Students’ Union offers support and advice to students. Queries regarding academic honesty and integrity should be addressed to the SU VP Education in the first instance ( .The SU VP Welfare ( may also be in a position to assist you, particularly if you are worried or anxious about assessment issues.
If you experience personal and emotional issues that impact on your academic work and on your overall student experience, then you may wish to contact the Counselling Service which is available to all registered full time MTU students free of charge.
Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that some Irish students have been directly targeted by essay mills offering to write essays or complete assignments for a fee. This is called contract cheating. If you are approached by an essay mill or contract cheating company, do not engage with them. Instead, please let us know immediately, whether through your own department or by contacting Registrar’s Office.
Sometimes, cheating may seem like a quick solution when you are under pressure for time with assignments and exams. However, it could have very serious consequences for your academic record. Thus, if you are feeling caught for time, seek the advice of your academic department first, rather than taking the risk of a serious penalty which could delay your progress through your programme.
Click here for a video developed by QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) which highlights the huge risks involved in engaging contract cheating services (essay mills). If you are approached by any essay mill or contract cheating service, do not engage with them. Instead, report it immediately to your department or to Registrar’s Office.