Asthma Clinic


Asthma is a condition that affects the smaller airways, bronchioles, of the lungs. From time to time the airways can become narrowed in people who have asthma. The extent of the narrowing and how long each episode lasts, can vary greatly.

Ireland has the fourth highest prevalence of Asthma in the worls.  It is the most prevalent health condition among young Irish adults.

Asthma can not be prevented or cured but the clinical manifestations can be effectively controlled with the approtriate treatment.

It is recommended that:

  1. All students with Asthma should present for initial screening and evaluation,
  2. Any student with poorly controlled Asthma should attend for evaluation.

The objectives of the Asthma Clinic are to ascertain the level of Asthma control, develop individual Asthma Management Plans and to help students understand and manage their Asthma effectively.