
General Information

  • Full time students of MTU Cork can avail of MTU student health centre services which is a supplementary service to their own GP. 
  • Full time international students can attend the service. Outside of term time international students can contact Grand Parade Medical Practice.
  • The service is open during term time only. If you require medical assistance outside of class/exam time, please contact your own GP or South Doc after-hours service. 
  • Specialist clinics including Asthma, Sexual Health, Sports Injury and Vaccination – see table of contents for more information.
  • The Student Health Centre is not a medical card practice. Local students with medical cards are advised to visit their own GP to ensure continuity of care. Non Local students with medical cards may avail of the service but are also advised to register with a local GMS GP.
  • Medical Certificates will be issued at the time of illness.  Backdated certificates are not issued.
  • Please allow 24hours notice for repeat prescriptions. Patients are required to attend the GP in person for repeat scripts, unless at the discretion of the relevant GP.
  • Our doctors do not do house calls.
  • We are unable to take appointments from staff of the university at this time, however we will see any patient in an emergency in collaboration with the Emergency Response Team. 
  • Certain courses (e.g. Social Care and Biomedical Science) require vaccination.  Please discuss with your course coordination who will advise how this can be arranged.  There will be specific vaccination clinics provided for this service - you will be contacted by your course coordinator with dates and instruction on when to book in.
  • Travel vaccinations – please note these are NOT available at the Bishopstown Campus Medical Centre: please call Grand Parade Medical Centre on 021 2355 784 for prices and availability.
  • Medical notes are confidential, are securely held in the medical centre and do not form part of the academic file. You can request your medical records at any time in writing, in line with GDPR regulations.
  • Our services are appointment only and can be booked via phone or in person at the practice. In the event that we cannot give an appointment, we recommend contacting your own GP if you have one in Cork in this instance.
  • We do not supply medications, plasters or other medical supplies to students/staff without an appointment. 
  • Aggression, abuse and harassment of the Medical Centre staff will not be accepted and will be reported to the appropriate college channels in the first instance. 
Left to right: Dr Caroline Faul GP, Dr Aileen Scullion GP, Nurse Sarah Hickey cANP Student Sexual Health, College Nurse Gemma Doolan, Secretary Shannon O'Donovan