Cork School of Music (CSM)
If you need examination supports for your end of semester examinations that involve taking an examination in a room separate to the main examination venue speak to your lecturer and Email CSM.FullTimeCoursesCork@mtu.ie or Tel: 021 480 7309 with as much notice as possible.
National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI)
If you are a DSS Student and require examination supports, you should contact Jade Atkinson, NMCI Examinations Secretary, Email:jade.atkinson@mtu.ie Tel: 021 433 5465
Crawford College of Art and Design (CCAD)
Crawford College of Art and Design students do not usually have official examinations but you may have a test in Art History in first year. Please speak to your lecturer well in advance if you think you may need examination supports and see what can be arranged for the examination.