Temporary Injuries/Illnesses
Students with injuries such as a broken hand or unexpected illness may wish to explore options such as extra time, rest breaks, use of a computer to type or a smaller exam centre. Some students may decide to defer their examinations until they have recovered fully. For further information on deferring please click HERE.
If you find yourself in the above situation and you wish to avail of examination supports, you should contact your Department immediately and also email the Examinations Office at ExamsdssCork@mtu.ie for guidance.
You must provide medical evidence of your injury and your medical certificate will also need to state that you are fit to sit your examination(s). The medical certificate will need to be emailed to the Examinations Office, email: ExamsdssCork@mtu.ie
Please note provision of supports is dependent on your needs and the resources available. It may not be possible to provide accommodations at certain peak examination times when resources are already fully utilised. It is important that you speak to your Department about your situation as your continuous assessments may also be affected.