Other Support Services
Sometimes counselling is not the right support for where you're at right now, or you may need additional supports alongside counselling. Either way, there are a range of supports students can access both within MTU and outside of MTU. Below is a list of several of these services. Just click on the name of the service to go to their webpage. Alternatively, contact us in Student Counselling and we'll signpost you to the correct support for you.
Support Services within MTU
There is a wide range of supports available to you during your time at MTU. Contact the counselling service or any of the services below if you need any support:
Support Services outside MTU
We are privileged to have relationships with a variety of support services in Cork and beyond. If needed, you can contact these services directly or come to us and we will support you to find the right service and contact them. Here's just a few of these services:
MTU Crisis Text Line, 24/7 free text "MTU" to 50808 - This is a free text service that is run independent of MTU. They are there for everything from calming chats to support during a mental health or personal crisis (big or small)
Coisceim - low cost counselling service 021 4666180 / 087 7998602
Samaritans is open 24/7 on 116123
Pieta House - 24/7 on 1800 247247 or Text HELP to 51444
Sexual Violence Centre Cork -1800 496 496
Aware - 10am to 10pm 7 days a week on 1800 80 48 48
LGBT Ireland -1890 929 539
AsIAm - AsIAm is Ireland's National Autism Charity. They provide advice, guidance and advocacy for people with ASD diagnoses and those who may not have a diagnoses. They have recently launched a website with the HEA specifically for students with autism in Higher Education - The Austistic Guide to Starting College - https://autismfriendlyhei.ie/