Exam Supports Online

What Exams Supports can students access for online exams?

Exam supports are available for online timed assessments/ exams - this may differ to how these are delivered on the physical campus. This document outlines the Exam Supports available and guidance for MTU Cork students and staff:

Online timed assessments can involved taking tests, quizzes or exams online such as open book exams usually through Canvas.

There may be different procedures for requesting exams supports either directly from your lecturer or from Exams staff - PLease see information here: www.mycit.ie/examinations/support/ and please check your MTU student e-mail for the most up-to-date information. 


These are some general guidelines for requesting supports:

Extra time

It is important to inform your lecturer in advance using your Needs Assessment document to request extra time or rest breaks (at least 1 week’s notice) or apply by the deadlines outlined in any emails.

Assistive technology

  • If you are entitled to use assistive technology in exams such as reading software – you should download and practice using this in advance of any test or exam. Please use the Accessibility Tools document (June 2022) - (PDF 1.6MB) prepared by Mark Burleigh, the DSS Assistive Technology Officer.
  • If you have any questions about the links or software please email mark.burleigh@mtu.ie


Remote learning/Canvas information